Parts used in different types of Pneumatic Tools, Textile Machines and different engineering machines made as per customers' specifications and drawings.
Parts of Pneumatic Tools:
01) Spring Steel Hardened & Tempered Clips
02) Governor Weight
03) R L Shoe Case Hardened & Ground
04) Plain Washers
Textile Machine Parts:
05) Spacer Rings
06) Slider Shoe
07) Radius Guide
08) Pusher Stud
09) Pins
10) Opener
11) Projectile Returner / Drive Shaft
12) Sliding Bracket
Miscellaneous Engineering Components
13) Ultrasonic Test Block / Stepped Wedges
14) Roller Shaft Hardened & Ground
15) Washer for Torque Liner
16) Star
17) Ring Nut
18) Bearing Plate
19) Weld Gauge for checking weld height &